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  4. WP Package Installers
  5. Download & install zip archive

Download & install zip archive

Once all the necessary dependencies are attached to the package the installer can be downloaded from the tab called “code”.

1 – Select the version to download if this option is available otherwise the “latest” version of the main plugin/theme will be used.

2 – After downloading the archive install the package installer in you local environment and activate the script from “Appearance” if the main script is a theme or from the plugin list.

3 – Under the section “Plugins” of the admin dashboard you should see a new “Dependencies & Licenses” link. Follow the instructions from this panel to finalize the installation of the missing dependencies.

Note: You can now directly use the WP2E panel to add/suggest new dependencies to the local installation. Press F5 in the list of dependencies if the changes are not displayed right away.

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