Once a WP Package installer is deployed all installed and uninstalled dependencies will be listed in the panel called “Installations”.
1 – The list of installations can be access via the according link located in the left sidebar of the dashboard.
2 – The detail of a specific installation can be expended by click the green button “Edit”
3 – An installation that was previously deleted locally can be removed from the list by click the red button “Delete”

Note : Deleting an installation from this list will not result in the deletion of the script from the local server.
Installation fields
Let’s take a look at some of the most importent fields regarding a script installation provided by this panel.
Script name
The name of the installed dependency.
Script version
The version of the installed script will be displayed in green if the script is up to date and red if a more recent version is suggested by the installer.
Script type
The type of script that is installed can take the value WP Plugin, WP Theme or WP Boilerplate.
Server name
The site URL returned upon activation, deactivation or deletion of the script.
Installer name
The WP Package from which the script was deployed.
Script status
The script status can take the value Installed, Activated, Deactivated, Uninstalled.
Modification date
The column called “Updated” shows the last time a piece of information such as version or status was modified.
Note: The only information collected and remotely transmitted by the installer when the status of a script changes is the value returned by the function site_url().